Airport Workforce Management

Allowing your Planners and Administrators to make updates to the Roster as things change leading up to the Day of Operation (Demand Changes, Absence, Sickness, Overtime, Shift Trades, etc).

With the Schedule published and Employees aware of their upcoming Shifts, there will always be Late Breaking changes to manage. These may be workload related (Flight Time Changes, Load Changes, Charters, additional requests) or Staff related (Sickness, Absence, Shift Trades, Overtime requests) or a combination of both.

Leading into the Day of Operation, the Workforce Management functionality and process supports this requirement by allowing for Planner / Administrator updates, Employee Self-Management via the Self Service Kiosk, visibility of the impact of changes, suggestions of replacements or Shift Extensions / OT, all supported by revised Coverage displays, updated costing and audit functionality.

Having produced the best plan, this has now been updated to reflect all of the recent changes, so Operations now have everything they need to execute their daily operation.

Tambla Airport Workforce Management in action

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Intelligent Workforce Solutions for Aviation

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