Tambla Ports & Stevedoring Solutions

Delays are expensive and customers are demanding, so getting cargo to where it needs to be, on schedule, in critical to your business.

Even the slightest disruption to schedules can be catastrophic to profitability, that’s why you must have the right person scheduled at the right time and at the right cost. With the drop in demand for services coupled with the increase of supply, making your business profitable may well come down to how you manage your workforce.

Tambla Labour Management System for Ports has a proven reputation within the Stevedoring industry.

The single largest expenditure for most port operations is labour costs and in a ’round the clock operation’ where penalty rates and overtime are frequent, even a fractional reduction in these costs can translate into huge savings.

Empower employees with Tambla LMS in the following ways:

  • Reduce Costs
    Tambla LMS minimises administration time while reducing staffing costs.
  • Increase Revenue
    Optimise the deployment of your most productive workforce at all time.
  • Reduce Risk
    Improved workplace compliance and management of labour force.

Download this datasheet to learn how Tambla can help automate your time and attendance, workforce management and award interpretation.

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