Tambla Customer Reference Program

Here at Tambla, we firmly believe our client’s successes are what we truly should be measured on. We feel that this commitment to our clients has been a critical part of Tambla’s successful history.

With this in mind, we would love your help to tell our shared story. Sharing our joint project successes with the world through a case study, reference call quote or an event speaking engagement positively promotes your organisation and its success alongside Tambla.

To reward our customers and partners that take time to participate in these activities we have developed a program that both promotes and focuses on your organisation’s success while additionally providing rewards and incentives for your assistance.

By assisting Tambla in its continued growth and success, you enable us to continue re-invest more in research & development and resources to improve your overall experience. This will ultimately lead to more innovative, efficient and effective solutions for all our clients for years to come.

OK, So what will I need to do?

We will collaborate with you in the process and we are always conscious of the value of your time and we will never ask you to undertake activity you are not comfortable with. The program will ensure that we always manage the expectations and distribute activity equitably. 

By providing us and other companies with some of your quality time and sharing your experiences, it is only fair that Tambla provides some time and cost-saving rewards in return.

Example activities may include

  • Case study
  • Reference call
  • Small PR / media / website quote

Less frequent activities may include

  • Site visit
  • Event speaking engagements
  • Interview for an article

Rewards include

  • Free Health-Checks
  • Training Credits
  • Early Access to New Releases
  • Professional Service Credits

Program Outline

    1. Register your interest with the link below.
    2. Depending on the option selected – we will either:
      • Call you back to provide you
        with more information or;
      • Call and take you through a 20 minute briefing call to gather basic details about your work with us and how we helped your organisation
    3. When the right opportunity
      surfaces, we will reach out to you for
      your availability and interest.
    4. Complete the reference activity
    5. You are rewarded for your time!

Complete the form to find out more or to join the Tambla Customer Reference Program today